The move to popularize Astronomy was started by Harry D. Brown, 519 South Lang avenue. An organization was formed several years ago and J. Ralph Park, late Police Magistrate, was elected its first President. Mr. Brown is now the President and Chief Lecturer.
Above, Left --- Mr. Brown is shown giving two young members of the club some pointers about the stars. The young women are Miss Ruth Stitt, 400 South Lang avenue, and Miss Flora Park, 7108 Edgerton avenue. Right --- Miss Irene Timms, 7106 Edgerton avenue and Miss Lillian Baer, 609 Worth avenue. Miss Timms is aiding Miss Baer in adjusting the telescope. In the oval is shown Miss Margaret Taylor, 523 South Lang avenue, taking notes on what she observes through the big glass.
NEWS: Planetarium, Astronomy, Space, and Other Sciences
Other Internet Web Sites of Interest
History of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh
History of Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago
Astronomer, Educator, and Telescope Maker John A. Brashear
History of Industrialist, Art Patron, and Philanthropist Henry Clay Frick
History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries
Historic Duquesne Incline cable-car railway, Pittsburgh
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