Tentative Schedule (10/8/01)
Friday, Oct. 12
6:00 pm Welcome and Lasagna dinner Cafeteria
7:00 pm Paper Session #1 Planetarium
The navigation of Christopher Columbus - Warren Young or Rich Pirko
Possible: Tracking Starshine 3 - Mike Benko
7:30 pm Leave for Allegheny Observatory
8:00 pm Arrive at Allegheny Observatory
for tour and observing session
Late Hotel overnight or home Sewickley Country Inn
Saturday, Oct. 13
8:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast Sewickley Country Inn
9:00 am Depart for school visit Sewickley Country Inn
9:30 am Arrive at school for tours Pine Richland
10:30 am Leave for North Hills
11:00 am Arrive at North Hills
Morning Break sponsored by Bowen Industries
11:30 pm Paper Session #2 Planetarium
Astronomical Flags - Dale Smith
Some Important Planetariums of San Francisco: Chabot Science Center, Morrison, and Lawrence Hall of Science - Jeanne Bishop
Regional Planetarium Program List - David Hurd
12:30 pm LUNCH buffet Cafeteria
1:30 pm Speaker - Glenn Walsh Planetarium
Pittsburgh's Original Buhl Planetarium: Public Science Education Pioneer
2:30 pm Paper Session #3 Planetarium
A Visit to Mauna Kea - Buck Batson
3:00 pm Planetarium Shows Planetarium
Latin and Astronomy
The Pleiades Show
4:00 pm Solar System Ambassadors B-331
Sharon Shanks
5:00 pm Leave for dinner
5:15 pm Dinner Sewickley Country Inn
6:00 pm Speaker - Dr. John Hilliard Sewickley Country Inn
Eta Carinae, the Most Messier Object in the Universe
7:30 pm Depart for Home